Doro HS1910 Wireless Headset with Handset Lifter

Doro HS1910 Wireless Headset with Handset Lifter Ref: Doro HS1910 Wireless

Doro HS1910 Wireless Headset with Handset Lifter

Price: £118.00 (£141.60 Including VAT at 20%)

The Doro HS 1910 wireless headset uses DECT technology to provide a long range and a high quality sound.

- Binaural
- Lightweight over the ear headset
- 150m range.
- Features multiple wearing styles
- 100 hour standby time
- Noise cancelling microphone
- Volume control
- 7 hour talk time
- One button answer.
- Handset Lifter Included

*Image for illustration purposes only - telephone not included.