Softcall USB Call Recording

Softcall USB call recorder software call recording for analogue phones Ref: Softcall USB

Softcall USB call recorder software call recording for analogue phones

Price: £245.00 (£294.00 Including VAT at 20%)


Soft Call USB Recorders offer an unbelievably economical method of recording telephone calls on the hard disk of your PC or network servers. They are invaluable tool for checking exactly what was said or agreed by telephone saving you money. Monitor calls for training purposes and to improve the quality of your service, helping you to retain your customers, personnel and increase the efficiency of your calls.

Soft Call USB is connected directly to the USB port of the PC, or via a USB hub. The PC will therefore not require a sound card. The Soft Call Recorder records the sound digitally. If necessary, loudspeakers can be connected directly to the Soft Call Recorder to reproduce the sound. This Soft Call Recorder can be connected to the telephone handset or to the telephone line, and detects the telephone ringing as well as it going on or off hook when connected to the line.

Soft Call USB Software. All calls are indexed by time and date and presented on a list. You can also tag calls with additional information such as name etc. With familiar recorder controls you can easily replay recordings

Soft Call USB an audio note pad. Save time taking notes improve accuracy. Because all your telephone calls are automatically recorded, you can easily check information, details or prices.

It’s easy to install. Simply connect the Soft Call recorder to the telephone line or telephone or handset and USB port of your PC. Install the Software from the CD and set up via the menu. Instructions and help menu provided.

Soft Call package includes hardware, software and cables

Records telephone calls onto your PC
Records from telephones handsets or analogue lines
1 Gigabyte memory; sufficient for 240 hours of telephone calls
PC Graphical Software with extensive select and search function
Hardware, software and cables included
PC archive management copy recordings to CD or network
Calls indexed for searches by time, date, callers number CLI, dialled numbers
Send recordings by e-mail as .WAV files for replay on standard Windows PC
Add notes and tag recordings
Secure password/PIN access to recordings
Compatible with Windows 98, NT,2000, ME, XP
Provided with telephone connection leads & instructions.
Up to 6 USB recorders can be connected to 1 PC via hub
E-mail recordings as standard .wav files